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Summary of the Peaceful Commemoration of Fidesz on 15, March
On 15, March, Fidesz held a 200,000-strong mass commemoration of the 1848/'49 Hungarian revolution. This was the largest number of people showing up at a March, 15, event ever since the regime change. The main speech was made by former PM Viktor Orbán, chairman of Fidesz, and a number of guests, including former Lithuanian president Vytautas Landsbergis and Italian vice-chairman of the European People's Party, Antonio Tajani appeared to express their support.
Created: 28th September, 2007 14:49 | Last updated: 8th November, 2007 20:00

Fidesz held its own event in the afternoon of March, 15, and just like last time, on 23, October, an approximate of 200 thousand people showed up to peacefully commemorate the Hungarian revolution of the 19th century. The cheerful crowd celebrated the 159th anniversary of a revolution that to this very day symbolizes Hungarians' desire for freedom of speech and civic liberties.

Cabinet chief of Viktor Orbán, MP Tamás Deutsch-Für was the first to greet those gathered for a peaceful commemoration and to share his thoughts about the values the 1848/49 revolution represented, underlining the importance of solidarity, unity and peacefulness.

Former Lithuanian president, Vytautas Landsbergis expressed his respect for the Hungarian revolution which he called the bright light of hope and freedom in 19th century Europe. He also reminded those present of the Hungarians' unceasing thirst for liberty, a desire that appeared so strongly in 1848, 1956 and at the dawn of the regime change in 1989.

György Schöpflin, MEP of European People's Party reminded that the message of 15, March, 1848 was that freedom cannot be withheld from a people who had always belonged to the very heart of Europe. He said that liberty also meant that no-one belonging to a free society would ever have to feel fear, but sometimes this freedom had to be fought for, even in a democracy.

Antonio Tajani, Italian vice-chairman of the European People's Party brought along with him the greetings of former PM Silvio Berlusconi, expressing his respect for the Hungarian revolution and towards Fidesz and its chairman, Viktor Orbán. Mr Tajani underlined that the liberty Hungarians fought for 159 years ago still remains a vital value for every European people.

The main speech was made by Viktor Orbán, chairman of Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union, who emphasized that just like 159 years ago, Hungarians today could not be frightened when they wished to show their love for liberty and freedom of speech. Recalling the virtues of the bloodless Hungarian revolution of the 19th century, Mr Orbán said that its most important message was that the Hungarian nation was born to be victorious. "No matter the world wars lost, the most unjust peace dictate, the occupation we suffered and the way one great power handed over our country to the other, every year, 15, March reminded us that we were born to be winners", he emphasized.

The former PM recalled the importance that no one should ever try to convince us we could not win - the "new majority", betrayed by the current government should stand up to the lies and the arrogance of the socialists and show them that they cannot lead a nation while wrecking the economy and unlawfully concealing the numbers revealing the fiscal crisis in Hungary. "The referendum will be binding. This will be the last constitutional measure the people can take to show their will", said Mr Orbán, referring to the initiative of Fidesz to hold a referendum on the austerity policies the government decided to put forward. The chairman of Fidesz ended his speech by underlining that "Hungarians can win and we deserve it. We need not feel anger. Hungary has to win cheerfully and with dignity, the same way the 1848 revolution won."