ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

Tibor Navracsics in Paris at the invitation of UMP

Mr Tibor Navracsics, leader of the parliamentary group of Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union, accompanied by Mr Zsolt Semjén, chairman of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP), participated at the event organized by Jean-François Copé, leader of the parliamentary group of UMP in the French National Assembly.
Created: 18th December, 2007 14:53
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At the invitation of the European People's Party (EPP), leaders of the parliamentary groups of its member organizations took part in a conference dedicated to establishing an enhanced level of cooperation between national legislatures and the European Parliament (EP), subsequent to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union (EU).

PM of France, Mr François Fillon (UMP) opened the event, followed by Mr Joseph Daul, chairman of the EPP-ED group in the EP and Mr Jacques Barrot, vice-chairman of the European Commission.

In his exposé, Mr Navracsics said strengthening the EU's democratic character was the Lisbon Treaty's most important element and that its specific commitments, such as the common European energy policy and the reinforcement of the rule of law played an important role in consolidating Central-Eastern-European democracies. Following his lecture, Lithuanian and Polish delegates also emphasized the important link between a common energy policy and democracies of the post-communist region.

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