ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

The Cabinet Committed a Coup Against the Country

The Hungarian cabinet is committing a coup d'état against the National Assembly and its own people - said Mr Viktor Orbán in Losonc (Slovakia), at a conference.
Created: 4th March, 2008 15:26
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The event was organized by the centre-right opposition Party of Hungarian Coalition (Strana mad'arskej koalicie, SMK) in cooperation with the Hungary-based Pro Minoritate Foundation and the Foundation for a Civic Hungary. The conference was held in the presence of more than two hundred Slovakian and Hungarian participants, MPs, municipal representatives and experts in regional development.

"Something is going on in Hungary, and it is a warning for all of us. Without going into foreign policy details, I would like to let you know that there is a coup d'état right now in Hungary. The Hungarian cabinet is committing a coup against the National Assembly its people", said the chairman of Fidesz. Mr Orbán criticized the cabinet's decision to sign a long-term gas pipeline contract with the Russian Federation because the Southstream-deal "will determine the 21st century and the life of the Hungarian people in the Carpathian Basin". He then emphasized that there were still much to be done to clear the ruins and the harmful heritage and mentality of the previous political system.

Referring to Mr Slota, chairman of the radical right-wing Slovak National Party and a coalition member of the Fico-government, Mr Orbán emphasized that cabinets embracing outdated ideas can cause serious tensions in multiethnic states. "Even today, we can hear certain statements originating from the cabinet, and these make everyday cooperation more difficult. I consider this event today extraordinarily important because it gives us evidence that the reality of day to day life and cooperation is indeed possible and can become a norm", declared the chairman of Fidesz.

(www.fidesz.hu, www.orbanviktor.hu)
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