ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

Fidesz Shocked by Words of Mrs Veres

Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union was shocked to hear the words of MSZP MP Éva Szabó, the wife of former socialist finance minister and MSZP MP János Veres, about mothers intentionally doing harm to their babies to receive higher state benefits.
Created: 6th November, 2009 15:31
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The June 2008 issue of "Balközép" (Centre-Left) monthly, published by the Hungarian Socialist Party reported that Éva Szabó MP, wife of ex-finance minister János Veres said in a meeting that "In order to receive higher benefits some ignorant and easily influenced mothers are capable of using even evil methods. They are willing to take medication which results in them having seriously handicapped babies."

Those present at the meeting were astonished by her remarks, but admitted that they themselves heard of similar cases.

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