ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

Viktor Orbán's Talks in Frankfurt

‘The era of a hectic, unpredictable and irresponsible government and decisions are over, the time of partnership is coming' said Viktor Orbán in Frankfurt.
Created: 9th February, 2010 14:24 | Last updated: 9th February, 2010 14:41
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‘I asked our German investors to be patient, trust us and not to withdraw their interests from Hungary" - added the Fidesz Chairman after meeting the presidium of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). VDMA is the largest German business association that shows the most interest in Hungary, consequently it is of utmost importance to give them first hand information about the coming few years of Hungary and the changes to be made. If Fidesz can form the new Hungarian government, it will aim to create one million new jobs in 10 years, simplify the tax system, cut tax rates, clear up the "grey economy" by tax reduction, and Fidesz will return to the policy of partnership with the private sector- said Viktor Orbán.

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