ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

Economic Recovery First

Job creation, closer cooperation with Hungarian SMEs and tax reduction are the priorities of Fidesz's economic policy, said Mihály Varga in an interview.
Created: 19th February, 2010 11:08
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After 8 years, during which the government mislead the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the EU, the President of Hungary and even international institutions, it is hard to be more specific, so only after the transfer of power different programs can be finalized, said the Fidesz vice-chairman. Introduction of the Euro is a high priority. "I do hope that by 2015 the Euro will be the currency in Hungary", said Mihály Varga. As increasing employment is one of Fidesz's most important economic aims, tax reduction should be introduced mainly where it results in job creation, for example tax benefits for investments, lower rates and more transparent tax system for the small and medium size enterprises. As SMEs provide two thirds of the jobs, they should be considered as the government's number one partners. Economic recovery is the only way out, if the economy recovers, other fields, such as healthcare and education can also be financed.

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