ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

Talks with US Congressmen

"Freedom is one and indivisible, and this cannot mean less in Cuba than in the United States or Hungary", said former PM Viktor Orbán, after he had received a delegation of American Congressmen of Cuban origin.
Created: 28th September, 2007 15:44 | Last updated: 3rd September, 2007 13:00
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"We are very pleased to have met some American friends of ours who, just like us, are devoted to freedom not just within but beyond the boarders of our countries", stated Mr Orbán after his talks with the bi-partisan delegation of American Congressmen.

The chairman of Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union also emphasized that freedom is one and indivisible and that it could not mean less in Cuba than in the United States or Hungary. Mr Orbán also said that "the collapse of the Communist regime in Cuba is quite likely to happen in the near future and it is in our interest that a quick transition will take place, ushering in liberty." The former PM pointed out that as in every democracy, the first condition for this to take place was free elections, and he also promised that "we shall work together for these free elections to be held in Cuba the as soon as possible."

Mr Orbán also underlined that democratic elections mean the immediate release of political prisoners, the right to found political parties, independent media and establishing trade unions as well. "In order to reach our goals, Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union will cooperate with every actor on a global scale", said the chairman of the largest opposition party in Hungary, promising to bring up the issue at the next meeting of the Christian Democratic International to be held this month in Rome, where a resolution will be passed concerning free elections in Cuba. "No half-hearted and provisional solution is acceptable, free elections are the very basics of every free and democratic society", said Mr Orbán.

The former PM also mentioned that thirteen MPs of Fidesz had symbolically adopted Cuban anti-communist activists whose list would soon be made public. "They are imprisoned political activists whose families suffer serious setbacks and we shall do our best to help them in any way and grant them as much publicity in Central-Eastern Europe as possible", promised Mr Orbán, who ended his remarks by wishing the members of the delegation all the best for the coming US presidential elections, but also expressed his high hopes for historic changes in Cuba to take place before that.

fidesz.hu - orbanviktor.hu

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