ajánlott oldalak
Magyarország nemcsak az európai átlagnál teljesít jobban, de visszakapaszkodott régiónk élbolyába is.
Orbán Viktor sajtónyilatkozata a TAKATÁ-val kötött stratégiai megállapodás aláírása után, 2013. november 15.

Resolution of the Presidency of Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union

As a consequence of the last two weeks' hate campaign, it has now become clear that for his own political survival Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány oversteps all written and unwritten rules to generate hysteria both on national and on international level.
Created: 28th September, 2007 15:46 | Last updated: 29th October, 2007 12:51
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For this reason the Presidency of Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union feels necessary to declare the following:

1. On 30 March 1988 the Federation of Young Democrats was formed and ever since it has worked to create democracy, freedom and wealth in Hungary.

2. Since its foundation Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union has never taken common ground either with anti-Semitism, or with any kind of unconstitutional or dictatorial movements and ideas.

3. Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union is a party of law and order. It expects from the government to respect the rule of law, to punish the criminals, to protect the unprotected, and let the innocents live their lives peacefully.

4. Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union condemns the politics of hatred, and it also condemns the usage of hatred as an instrument of politics.

In accordance with the above mentioned facts, Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union most categorically condemns the policy of Ferenc Gyurcsány, who - first by playing the anti-Semitic, then the fascist communication card - degraded the tragedy and fate of Hungarian citizens, of their parents and grandparents by turning this issue into a tactical question to serve his own political manoeuvres.

Budapest, 3 September 2007


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