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A Categorical No to the Appointment of Mr Laborc

Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union deems unacceptable the government's proposal to name Sándor Laborc, former undergraduate of Moscow's KGB University, as director-general of the National Security Office (NBH).
Created: 12th November, 2007 10:02 | Last updated: 12th November, 2007 23:16
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Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union has repeatedly called the incumbent socialist-liberal government to cancel the nomination of Sándor Laborc to the post of director-general of Hungary's National Security Office (NBH). Former minister of secret services during the government of Viktor Orbán (Fidesz), László Kövér denounced the government's proposal, arguing that Mr Laborc was not only unsuitable for the position as a former trainee at Moscow's KGB University but also due to the professional incompetence he had demonstrated during his tenure at the NBH. According to Mr Kövér, the structural changes carried out by Mr Laborc significantly weakened Hungary's domestic and international security service, causing serious damage to the country's counter-intelligence activity.

The infamous Dzerzhinsky Academy, Moscow (photo: Europress-AFP - Alexander Nemenov)

Previously Zsolt Németh, MP of Fidesz and chairman of the committee on foreign affairs had delineated the position of the opposition party regarding the nomination of Mr Laborc during a diplomatic briefing to foreign diplomats accredited to Hungary. Mr Németh emphasized that a former undergraduate of Dzerzhinsky Academy was unsuitable for the position for Hungary as a member of NATO would next year provide the chairman of the organization's Special Committee, the alliance's secret services body. This person will be responsible for a wide range of confidential inter-alliance information, causing, according to the opposition party, the US ambassador to NATO to express his concerns about the KGB-past of Mr Laborc.

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